27 October 1840
adams-john10 Neal Millikan Amistad Slavery and Enslaved Persons
139 Quincy. Tuesday 27. October 1840.

27. V. Tuesday.

Loring Ellis Gray Tappan Lewis Whitney Revd. Peter Lunt Revd. William P.

Sun rose 6:27. Set 5.2. Fahrenheit 21.— Arcturus 4.40

Boston, Warren Street Association. Lecture. Quincy.

Mr Ellis Gray Loring of Boston, and Mr Lewis Tappan of New-York, called on me this morning, and earnestly intreated of me to assume as assistant Counsel to Mr Baldwin of Connecticut, the defence of the Africans captured in the Amistad, before the Supreme Court of the United States at Washington, at their next January term— I endeavoured to excuse myself upon the plea of my age and inefficiency—of the oppressive burden of my duties as a member of the House of Representatives, and my inexperience after a lapse of more than thirty years, in the forms, and technicals of argument, before judicial tribunals, and said I would cheerfully do, what I had heretofore offered that is give any assistance of Counsel and Advice to Mr Baldwin, and any other person charged with the argument before the Court— But they urged me so much and represented the case of those unfortunate men as so critical, it being a case of life and death, that I yielded, and told them that, if by the blessing of God my health and strength should permit, I would argue the case before the Supreme Court; and I implore the mercy of Almighty God, to controul my temper, to enlighten my Soul and to give me utterance that I may prove myself in every respect equal to the task— They promised that Mr Baldwin would furnish me with a complete brief and Mr Tappan left with me two scrap books, containing in slips from the Newspapers all the publications relating to the trials from the time of the capture by Lieutenant Gedney.— Mr Whitney came to take leave of us previous to our departure for Washington— Mr Lunt came afterwards— He is about to compile a new Hymn-book, for the use of the Church and Society here, and he asked me for the loan of my version of the Psalms with liberty to select any of them for publication in his book, to which I agreed, but could not find my manuscript. I promised to look it up, and bring or send it to him— I lent him Goode’s version of the Psalms— We dined at 1. and immediately after dinner, I went with my wife and Mrs John Adams to Boston— They set me down at Mr James H. Foster’s; after which they went shopping and returned to Quincy at the dusk of Evening.— I went to Charles’s house, where I saw Catherine— Then to Mrs S. A. Otis’s, to see Harriet Welsh; but she was out. Then called at Samuel T. Armstrong’s and Abbot Lawrence’s— Neither of them at home— Then at Mrs Samuel Dexter’s, and found her confined to her house with Lumbago. She seemed however cheerful, and is always intelligent— I then found the Warren Street chapel—went and spent an hour with Dr Frothingham— Then at 7. to Mr Foster’s, but he was gone. Charles Foster went with me to the Chapel where I delivered my Lecture upon Faith, from half past 7. to 9.— Then returned to Quincy in a Hack provided for me, by the Committee of the Association— Home at 10.