30 March 1837
adams-john10 Neal Millikan Press Recreation
229 Thursday 30. March 1837.

30. V.

Frye Thomas J. Adams John Q. 2d.

The first time for more than forty years I have suffered a total breach in my Diary for several weeks— At one of the most trying periods of my life— The Journals of the House of Representatives of the United States, my Letter Book, and my Addresses to my Constituents the Inhabitants of the 12th. Congressional District of Massachusetts must supply the vacancy. This morning Thomas J. Frye, who had passed the Night here; returned to his College. I spent the morning in writing, and in packing up books to be sent to Quincy— Walked to the Capitol— At the Office of the Clerk of the House of RepresentativesMr Burch is ill, and has been confined to his house ever since the close of the Session of Congress. R. Johnson was not there— They have not yet printed the Journal of the 30th. of January. At the Library— Met Leonard Jarvis there, who stays on account of his and his wife’s infirm state of health—and Mr John Taliaferro, member of the late House of Representatives from Virginia— He is here on account of the recent decease of his niece of the same name— I saw at the Capitol two Casts of Statues by Pedrich, called sleeping Innocence, and the fisherman’s daughter— An Article shewn me by Jarvis in the New-York Mirror, charging the Committee on Paintings with ignorance for the selection of Artists to paint the pannels of the Rotundo, mentioned the History of Painting and Painters by the Abbate Lanzi translated by Thomas Roscoe—at which I looked— I read also the conclusion of Matthias’s Edition of Gray’s works— Walked home Midshipman John Quincy Adams 2d. arrived this day from Norfolk— About three weeks since he returned in the Potowmac frigate Captain J. J. Nicholson from the Mediterranean— Evening at Whist. I met this day in the Street Lloyd N. Rogers of Baltimore in the Street, who spoke to me of his Son, now at Cambridge University—