28 April 1814
adams-john10 Neal Millikan Napoleonic Wars Travel and Touring, International

28. VI. I had finally fixed upon this day for my departure on the Journey to Gothenburg; and was employed from the time of my rising, untill half past One P.M. in finishing my preparations. I had visits during the morning from Mr Hurd, Mr Norman, and Mr Montreal, the last of whom informed me that a Courier had this morning arrived from the Emperor, with the news that Napoleon Bonaparte, on having the Decree of the French Senate notified to him declaring that he was cashiered, had immediately abdicated the throne, and thus that the War is at an end. With this prospect of a general Peace in Europe, I commenced my Journey, to contribute if possible to the restoration of Peace to my own Country— The weight of the trust committed though but in part to me; the difficulties to all human appearance insuperable, which forbid the hope of success; the universal gloom of the prospect before me, would depress a mind of more sangwine complexion than mine— On the Providence of God alone is my reliance— The prayer for light, and vigilence, and presence of mind and fortitude, and resignation, in fine for strength proportioned to my trial is incessant upon my heart— The welfare of my family and Country, with the interests of Humanity, are staked upon the Event— To Heaven alone it must be committed— That my duty may be performed in sincerity, with fervent zeal, and unsullied integrity is my heart’s desire and prayer to God.— And let his will be done!

At half past One O’Clock afternoon I left my house, after taking leave of Mr and Mrs Smith. My dear wife and Charles came with me to Strelna, the first Stage, where we dined together at the Post-house opposite the Grand-Duke Constantine’s Summer-Palace. At half past four I embraced them, and committed them to the Protection of a kind and gracious Providence, and proceeded on my Journey, with my Servant Axel Gabriel Gåhlroos a native of Åbo in Finland, whom I have engaged to go with me.

Stages. Versts. Paid. Time of Arrival. Departure.
From St: Petersburg R: C. 28 April 1:30 P.M.
to Strelna. 18. 34:01 3:30 P.M. 4:30
Kipene. 23 1/2 5:45 6:45 7:30
Koskova 19. 4:55 9:30 10:15
Czerkovitz. 21 4:95 29. April 1:15. A.M. 2: A.M.
Opolié 22 1/2 5:25 5:00 5:30
Jamburg 15 3:75 7:00 7:45
Narva 22 1/2 5:25 10:35 11:30.
Waiwara 20. 7:75 2:45 P.M. 3:45 P.M.
Chudleigh 17. 4:15 5:30. 6:15
Jeve 11. 4:05 7:30 8:00
Wargel 20. 6:75 10:15 30 April 6:00 AM
Hohenkreutz 22 7:35 8:30 AM. 9:00
Pedrous 23 7:65 12:30 P.M. 1:00 P.M.
Loop. 21 7:05 3:45 4:50
Kahal 22 7:35 7:15. 8:00
Jegelicht 23 7:65 1. May 1:00 AM. 8:00 AM.
Reval. 21. 7:85. 11:00.

This table contains the itinerary of my journey from St: Petersburg to Reval— Upon my application to Mr Weydemeyer, he sent me a Passport for my self and my Servant; with a sealed letter to General Wiasmitinoff the Military Governor of the City, which I sent yesterday to him, on which he furnished me the Padorojna or Order for Post-horses— The order was for four Courier horses, and was to be exhibited to the Post-Master at every Station. It mentioned that the road was from St: Petersburg to Reval—that it was 341 Versts, the horses to be paid for at the rate fixed by the Ukazes, and that 27 Rubles 28 Copeeks, that is 8 Copeeks per Verst was paid for this Padorojna.— For the horses the first Stage, to Strelna the charge was seven Copeeks for each horse per Verst, and the rest of the Road 5 Copeeks per Verst and horse— At each stage I paid 50 Copeeks to the Postilion, and 25 Copeeks to the Starost, or Peasant who furnished the horses.— They were all satisfied with this, and never asked for more— I have marked down in the table the legal payments at each Stage, including the 75 Copeeks to the Postilion and Starost— The first Stage also includes the 28 Rubles for the Padorojna, the Governor’s Clerk who made it out having kept the odd Copeeks for himself. My actual payments were in some instances more than I have here set down, but the difference was a mere trifle. I have also marked the time of my arrival at each Stage, and of my departure from it; which will shew the average rate of travelling, and the time of detention at each Post-house for the horses. It was never less than half an hour, and seldom much more, excepting 94when I stopp’d to take some refreshment, or to have the wheels of the Carriage greased.— I found the roads this Evening excessively rough— The Snow was gone almost universally— The frost had come out of the ground making the roads deep and they were now frozen hard again— The weather was cold, but the Night clear; and with a Moon nearly at the full.— I concluded therefore to travel the whole Night. At Koskova, I remarked the conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter.